Cognitive Catalyst

Executive Function Coaching

Hero Imgs

ex·ec·u·tive func·tion

a set of cognitive processes that are necessary for the cognitive control of behavior. selecting and successfully monitoring behaviors that facilitate the attainment of chosen goals

  • Inhibition
  • Working Memory
  • Cognitive Flexibility
  • Planning and Organization
  • Initiation
  • Self Monitoring

Executive Function Coaching

A specialized form of coaching that focuses on improving the executive functioning skills of individuals. It involves working with clients to develop strategies, techniques, and habits that enhance their ability to plan, organize, prioritize, manage time, regulate emotions, and achieve goals effectively.


15 minute free discovery meeting

A time for us too discuss goals for your student and how our evidence-based coaching methods will empower them to overcome challenges, break through barriers, and achieve peak performance.

Schedule Discovery Meeting Now

1:1 Weekly Sessions

We provide our services via weekly 60 minute personalized sessions with your student. We will provide practical and customized strategies during each session. Our holistic approach addresses both the cognitive and emotional aspects of executive function, fostering self-awareness, resilience, and effective self-regulation

Schedule Discovery Meeting Now

Ongoing Support

In between sessions, we will stay in touch via text, email, a shared Google doc to ensure consistent practice of strategies. Caregivers are invited to schedule a monthly check-in meeting to discuss progress and additional resources

Schedule Discovery Meeting Now

Our keys to success

With our evidence-based coaching methods and a deep understanding of executive function processes, we empower you to overcome challenges, break through barriers, and achieve peak performance. Our holistic approach addresses both the cognitive and emotional aspects of executive function, fostering self-awareness, resilience, and effective self-regulation.



We start with an assessment of a student's strengths, weaknesses, and specific areas of difficulty related to executive functioning. This assessment may involve interviews, self-report measures, observation, and evaluation of cognitive tasks.


Goal Setting

We collaborate with caregivers and students to identify specific goals and objectives they want to achieve through coaching. These goals are often related to improving executive functioning skills in areas such as time management, organization, task initiation, problem-solving, and emotional regulation.


Skill Development

We teach students a variety of strategies, techniques, and tools to strengthen their executive functioning skills. This may include methods for breaking tasks into smaller steps, creating schedules and routines, and using visual aids or reminders.


Practice and Reinforcement:

We support students in applying and practicing the skills they've learned in real-world situations. We provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement to help students overcome obstacles, adapt strategies as needed, and maintain motivation and consistency.



We help students stay accountable to their goals and commitments by setting action plans, tracking progress, and reviewing outcomes regularly.


Collaboration and Support

Executive function coaching is a collaborative process, and we work closely with students to tailor interventions to their individual needs and preferences. We provide empathy, validation, and emotional support while also challenging students to stretch beyond their comfort zones and reach their full potential.


Strength Based

We focus on building on students' existing abilities and resources to help them thrive in their personal and educational endeavors.


Our Students

We typically work with individuals who may struggle with challenges related to executive functioning, such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, or other neurodevelopmental conditions. However, executive function coaching can also benefit students who simply want to enhance their organizational skills, productivity, and overall cognitive performance.

Katharine Arburn, B.A., M.S.



Meet Katharine, a dedicated executive function coach with over a decade of experience working with children in various educational and behavioral settings. With a rich background that spans math and reading tutoring, group therapy, classroom lessons, and applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy, Katharine brings a wealth of expertise and insights to empower students in reaching their full potential.

Katharine holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology, along with two master's degrees in education—one in school counseling and the other in teaching. This unique combination of academic qualifications equips Katharine with a deep understanding of both the psychological and educational aspects of student development.

Passionate about fostering growth and independence in students, Katharine thrives on working side by side with them to unlock their innate abilities, instill self-confidence, and cultivate a sense of capability. Through personalized coaching sessions, Katharine employs evidence-based methods to create tailored growth plans and strategies that target and strengthen each student's executive function skills.

Whether it's enhancing organization, improving time management, honing problem-solving abilities, or refining emotional regulation, Katharine is committed to guiding students on their journey toward greater success and fulfillment. With Katharine as their coach, students not only gain valuable skills but also the confidence and resilience needed to thrive in academics, relationships, and life.

Join Katharine in unlocking the potential within—where each student's journey is met with personalized attention, empathy, and unwavering support.

Coaching Packages

As with any skill, building executive function skill strength over time and consistent practice

6 Week Package


  • 1:1 one hour weekly sessions via Zoom or Google Meet
  • Ongoing Check-ins via text or email
  • Monthly caregiver sessions to discuss progress, resources and strategies

8 Week Package


  • 1:1 one hour weekly sessions via Zoom or Google Meet
  • Ongoing Check-ins via text or email
  • Biweekly caregiver sessions to discuss progress, resources and strategies

12 Week Package


  • 1:1 one hour weekly sessions via Zoom or Google Meet
  • Ongoing Check-ins via text or email
  • Biweekly caregiver sessions to discuss progress, resources and strategies
  • Summary report of each session and additional parent-child coaching strategies.

18 Week Package


  • 1:1 one hour weekly sessions via Zoom or Google Meet
  • Ongoing Check-ins via text or email
  • Biweekly caregiver sessions to discuss progress, resources and strategies
  • Summary report of each session and additional parent-child coaching strategies.
  • Collaboration with student's teachers and support with 504 and IEP process.


Please reach out with any questions you have. We would love to connect with you!

Anywhere you have a computer or phone
